H.I.I.T. Apparatus – A Miniature Dance | TANZAHOi
H.I.I.T. Apparatus - A Miniature Dance has been chosen to be part of TANZAHOi International Dance Film Festival's live-streaming edition on www.tanzahoi.org. After the presentation, a platform will be provided for the public and directors to communicate and interact.
H.I.I.T. Apparatus - A Miniature Dance is a dance-animation film created as a response to the ramifications that Covid-19 had to the artistic community. It is both a call to imagination and an awareness of reality. All elements are designed, scaled and constructed based on real-life conditions.
The theatre was closed. The rehearsal process was suspended. Public gatherings are currently forbidden. Waiting for the time to perform on the actual stage, I "brought" the theatre in my home, while being in confinement.